Organization: International Committee of the Red Cross
Registration deadline: 12 Feb 2018
Starting date: 18 Mar 2018
Ending date: 23 Mar 2018
The annual ICRC course on IHL for Humanitarian Professionals and Policy Makers Course (English version) will again be held in Nairobi Kenya from 18-23 March 2018.
The course is designed to acquaint participants with the international rules, principles and instruments applicable in times of armed conflict. It offers participants practical knowledge in IHL applicable in their fieldwork and their decision-making processes.
The course is open to senior representatives of non-governmental organisations, international organisations, state agencies and humanitarian donor agencies. Applicants should have decision making roles in their respective organisations at the national, regional or global level.
How to register:
Completed application forms should be sent to the ICRC Regional Delegation in Nairobi to reach before 12 February 2018. Participants are strongly urged to send their applications by email using
The application form can be obtained from
Successful applicants will be notified by 19 February 2018